Training for social workers, psychologists and teacher assistants from villages in Shirak region

Gayane Grigoryan, “Agate” NGO Project Officer conducted training for social workers, psychologists and teacher assistants from Arevik and Karnut villages in Shirak region. The speaker touched upon the definition of disability, presented disability models, proper communication skills and answered questions of participants.
Marine Avetisyan, “Agate” NGO Coordinator conducted a training on assistive devices and technologies for social workers, special pedagogues and assistants of pedagogues.
The training took place within the framework of the “Leading for Independent Living” project. The mission of the project is to empower people with disabilities in Armenia to live independently, advocate for their rights, and participate fully in their communities, and is implemented by three leading disability organizations: Mobility International USA (MIUSA), “Agate” Rights Defense Center for Women with Disabilities NGO and “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities” NGO (EREO).
The project is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this material are the sole responsibility of “Agate” NGO and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.