Duration: June 2011-June2012
The goal of the project was to enhance activeness of young disabled women and girls through teaching them marketable skills to meet the needs of labor market.
Within the framework of the project we organiz0ed intensive training groups for 4 months which will include
- Hairdressing
- Manicure, pedicure, nail art design
- Make up
Simultaneously with these training the beneficiaries got legal and psychological consultations in the centre. It helped them to be more aware of their own human rights, become self confident, self reliant in the process it initiating something.
Parallel with the activities of the groups all beneficiaries were taught CV writing and uploading into the www.jobs.disability.am website, which is the first Armenian website for disabled job-seekers and the employers who are interested in employing people with disabilities.
The trainings, including the following topics
- initial and on-going interviews and assessment
- C.V. preparation
- counselling
- interview guidance(brochures will be developed, published and disseminated among the beneficiaries)
Within the framework of this project “Agate” NGO translated and published “A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities” produced by Hesperian foundation. Agate got the copyright for the translation. The initiative of publishing the handbook in Armenian was eagerly welcomed and they sent us all the materials necessary for translation and publishing.
Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities will help women with disabilities overcome these barriers and improve their general health, self-esteem, and abilities to care for themselves and participate in their communities .
This groundbreaking handbook was developed with the help and experience of women with disabilities in 42 countries. Women whose disabilities include blindness, deafness, amputations, paralysis, learning difficulties, small stature, epilepsy, arthritis, and cerebral palsy.