Barrier-free realization of electoral rights of persons with disabilities in Shirak Region sub-grant project is implemented within the framework of the “Elections4All-2021 – Domestic Observations and Citizens Empowerment by Civil Society” project. The Project is implemented by OxYGen Foundation, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor, Union of Informed Citizens and Yerevan School of Political Studies. The Project is funded by the European Union.
Project Goal
To promote the realization of political and civil rights of persons with disabilities in Shirak Region, as well as promote their active participation in electoral processes.
Project Objectives
To empower people with disabilities in Shirak Region and promote the realization of their civil and political rights through awareness raising.
To promote accessibility of electoral precinct centers through the cooperation with Shirak Regional Administration and territorial election centers.
Target Groups
20 people with disabilities from 5 communities in Shirak Region
Local self-governing bodies’ (LSGB) representatives of Shirak Region
Territorial Election committees (TEC) in Shirak Region
All polling stations in Shirak Region, which can be made accessible for voters with disabilities through little organizational changes, will be shortlisted.
Meeting-discussions will be organized with the TEC members of Shirak Region, the shortlisted polling stations with recommended organizational changes will be introduced to them.
A meeting will be organized in order to provide information to the heads of communities and the policy paper on the priorities of persons with disabilities will be presented to them.
Organize two-day awareness raising trainings for 20 people with disabilities from 5 communities in Shirak Marz (Gyumri, Akhuryan, Amasia, Maralik, Artik), aimed at raising their political activeness, encouraging their participation in the Elections of Local self-governing bodies.
A workshop will be organized, during which the factors hindering political and civil participation of people with disabilities will be discussed. As a result, a policy paper on priorities of persons with disabilities will be developed and submitted to the elected local self-governing bodies of Shirak Region.
Informational and awareness-raising materials will be developed and published.
Empowered persons with disabilities from Shirek Region who are aware of their rights and will actively participate in all stages of the electoral process.
Representatives of self-governing bodies and territorial election committees who are aware of the accessibility criteria of polling stations. Implementation of possible accessibility reforms in polling stations.