Announcement of the selection of expert-trainers

Artur Harutyunyan

Organization: “Agate” Rights Defense Center for Women with Disabilities NGO Location: Gyumri Application deadline: 12/07/2024 “Agate” NGO invites expert trainers to conduct skill development training for women and girls with disabilities.

The topics of the training are:

• Entrepreneurship

• Social enterprise

• Making a business plan

• Presentation of different opportunities for financing business ideas (grants, loans, etc.)

• Marketing

• Preparation of competitive CVs and cover letters.

The aims of the trainings are: The trainings should be designed in a way that participants acquire basic knowledge and understanding of the mentioned topics in a short period of time.

  1. Entrepreneurship: Provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship, emphasizing identifying and evaluating opportunities in various sectors, and raising awareness of different types of entrepreneurship and available opportunities.
  2. Social entrepreneurship: Equip women with disabilities with the knowledge and skills to explore the basics of social entrepreneurship, develop compelling social enterprise ideas, and connect with other social entrepreneurs and mentors.
  3. Drafting a business plan, presentation of various possibilities for financing business ideas (grants, loans, etc.): Introduce the basics of creating a comprehensive business plan, conducting market research, financial planning, and developing skills in creating effective proposals to secure funding from various sources, presenting various opportunities for financing business ideas.
  4. Basics of marketing: Educate participants on basic marketing principles, target audience identification, various marketing tools/strategies, branding, and effective marketing.
  5. Preparation of competitive CVs and motivational letters: Equip participants with the skills and knowledge to create compelling and competitive CVs and cover letters. Learn how to tailor job applications and materials to specific job descriptions, showcase strengths and qualifications. Practically develop individual CVs and cover letters.


  • Development of module/plan, agenda, and materials.
  • Preparation of preliminary and final knowledge assessment questions for the trainings.
  • Conducting a 2-3 hour course on each topic.
  • Assignment and supervision of individual assignments on topics.

Required Qualifications:

  • Relevant academic qualifications or professional certifications.
  • At least 3 years of relevant work experience.
  • Experience in conducting trainings or relevant courses.
  • Mastery of innovative methods and tools.
  • Ability to present teaching methods in an accessible and inclusive manner.
  • Willingness to provide ongoing support to participants.

Interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents to [email protected] by July 12, with “Trainer” in the subject line, mentioning the topics in the letter or motivation letter.

  • A Curriculum Vitae (CV) reflecting relevant experience and qualifications.
  • A cover letter describing your approach to training and how your experience aligns with the course objectives.
  • Bid: (You can download the template here)

For more information, you can contact [email protected] or the following phone number: (+374) 77-043-042 to Roza Avagyan.